Numerology : Calculator and Predictions -Know How to Calculate your Lucky Numbers


अंक ज्योतिष
इसे हिंदी में पड़ने के लिए क्लिक करे

What is Numerology

Numerology is actually a combination of numerology and astrological facts. That is, numerology is known to inform the future of a person by matching the numbers with astrological facts. As such you will be well aware that the numbers are 1 to 9. In addition, astrology is mainly based on three main elements: planets, zodiacs and constellations. Hence numerology and astrology are matched on the basis of all the nine planets, twelve zodiac signs and 27 constellations. By the way, all the work of a person is usually done on the basis of marks. The essential things like year, month, day, hour, minute and second are expressed by the numerals.

Importance of Numerology

Like astrology, numerology also has more importance. Through this special knowledge, information related to the future of a person can be obtained. With the help of numerology, information about existing qualities, demerits, behavior and characteristics can be obtained in a person. Through this, the merits of future husband and wife can also be matched by their qualities before marriage. Nowadays it is seen that numerology is also used in Vastushastra. All points are also taken care of while constructing a new house. For example, how many stairs should be in the house, how many windows and doors should be there, it is determined only through numerology. Along with this, people are also using their knowledge to change their name in spelling.

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