The distance between Earth and Moon is approximately 384,400 km or 238,855 miles.
In astrology, the Moon is the only planet that orbits the Earth. Moon is given great importance in Vedic astrology. From birth to whole life and even to get information about marriage, only the moon is studied. The birth constellation is also determined by the position of the moon in any constellation at birth. When Moon is good in horoscope, the person not only gets the happiness of his mother, grandmother but also gets a lot of wealth and gift from them.
The fourth house of the birth chart has its own place and it is high in the Taurus sign and the second house, when it is in a state of giving good results, the native's education never stops, nor is the happiness of studies ever Less often, such a person spends every penny invested in his studies, and gives very good values and strong life to his family.