Opal Stone for Taurus Sign


Opal gemstone, associated with the planet Venus, brings happiness and love into one's life. Opal Stone offers numerous benefits and is recognized as Australia's national gemstone. It serves as the birthstone for those with a strong Venus. Individuals involved in dairy products, tourism, hospitality, arts and crafts, cinema, and films can benefit from wearing an Opal. Its beautiful luster attracts everyone. Let's explore the amazing benefits of the Opal gemstone.

₹3300.00 34% off ₹5000.00

Detail information

Weight/Size4.5 - 5.5 Carat / 5 - 6 Ratti
Pooja/EnergizationBasic Energization (Free)
Delivery TimeApprox 3-7 Days (All over India)
Order on Whatsapp +91 70112 39569

Benefits of Wearing Opal Gemstone:

  • Wearing an Opal gemstone helps achieve success in love and marriage relationships, strengthening the bonds.
    For Beauty Product Traders:
  • Opal is highly beneficial for those engaged in the beauty products business.
    Benefits for Dairy and Confectionery Business:
  • Individuals working in dairy products, sweets, and similar businesses can gain from wearing Opal.
    Eye Disease Treatment:
  • Wearing Opal can provide significant benefits in the treatment of eye diseases.
    Enhancing Marital Bliss:
  • If there are any obstacles in marital life, wearing Opal can increase marital happiness, Strengthening Love and Affection:
  • As a gemstone of Venus, Opal is worn to strengthen love, affection, and relationships with the opposite sex.
  • To receive the blessings and auspiciousness of Goddess Lakshmi, one should wear a consecrated Opal gemstone.

Who Should Wear It:

Individuals born between April 20 and May 20 or whose names start with E, U, A, O, Va, Vi, Vu, Ve, Vo fall under the Taurus zodiac sign and can wear this blessed Opal gemstone ring.

Where to Buy:

Only certified and natural gemstones can provide astrological benefits. Therefore, purchase gemstones from a certified source to gain the advantages. You can obtain genuine and certified stones from GemUncle.com. GemUncle.com sends all their gemstones consecrated by experienced astrologers and guarantees the authenticity of the gemstones provided.


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