You may have to face problems related to lower abdomen. Avoid all kinds of unhygienic food items as you are vulnerable to infections today. You will be over sensitive on your emotion aspects and shall respond people in an erratic way. Watch your speech before it hurts your beloved. Disputes with your family members may arise and personal relationships may deteriorate. You might be blamed for things that you’ve not done. Your bosses may entrust additional responsibilities on you.You may find it tough to complete your commitments on time. There are chances of facing obstacles in your work. You may make several trips to get your work done; but it would all go in vain.Be careful of your belongings and documents while travelling. Luck is not in your favour today. So do not take any risk and avoid investment in shares or stocks howsoever attractive the returns may appear.
Lucky Color: Orange
Lucky Number: 13
Mood: Confused
Compatibility: Aries