Taurus Yearly Horoscope, Taurus Horoscope, Yearly Horoscope Prediction for Taurus

Taurus Yearly Horoscope 2022

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According to Taurus Horoscope 2022, this year is going to be moderately fruitful for you. This year, this zodiac sign will be completely free from the effects of Saturn. This year Saturn will be sitting in the ninth house of your zodiac on January 24. At the beginning of the year, Rahu will be sitting in your second house and again on 23 September it will be in your first house.

On 30 March, Jupiter will enter the ninth house of Capricorn. After this, on June 30, it will again enter retrograde and will be an eyewitness in the ninth house of Capricorn. From 31 May to 8 June Venus will remain in the 2nd house. Let us tell you in detail how the year 2022 will be for you according to the Taurus horoscope.

Financial Life

The beginning of the year 2022 will be moderate for you. Since your ninth house lord Saturn will be sitting in Capricorn this year, luck will be with you. The first few months of this year and July to October can see fluctuations in income matters. Wealth Yoga is being formed between April and July due to the first house of Venus, the lord of Taurus. It is an auspicious yoga that brings happiness and enjoyment in life. Due to this yoga formed in your zodiac sign, this time will prove to be some happy for your life.

Since Rahu will be sitting in your second house till September 2 this year, take some caution in matters of money transactions. However, in the middle of the year, your financial situation will prove beneficial. These benefits can be both unpredictable or anticipated, as if the money being stuck can be found suddenly after a long time. The months of August and September will prove to be the best for investment in the real estate sector. If you have a treaty with a foreign company, then it will be very beneficial for you this year, there will be a huge increase in the field of income. Rahu's transit from Gemini to Taurus in the month of September will give you a lot of benefits in terms of money. As far as economic matters are concerned, this year will give you mixed results.


As we all know that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Only if you are healthy and fit can you welcome the arrival of good things in your life. Talking about this year, except for a few months, this year will be very good for you from the health point of view. Just take care of your health at the beginning and end of the year, the rest of this year will be better in terms of health. During the transit of Saturn in Capricorn, take special care of your father's health in the month of April. There is a need to be conscious of your spouse's health in the middle of the year. Since Venus will be sitting in your sixth house, it can have adverse effects on your spouse's health. This year will be better for you in health matters.


This year due to the existence of Saturn's bed till January 24, you may face some problems in the field. However, after the end of Saturn’s bed, you can get some good results in the direction of work. There are strong coincidences of job changes after January 24, during this time, chances of traveling abroad are also being made. In the month of February new paths of income will be paved and job will get promoted. In the month of March and April, there may be a possibility of traveling for work, chances of traveling abroad can also be made. The treaty is expected to come from a foreign source in the months of June to August and later in the months of October to November. There is a need to take some care in the direction of business and work area. Lord Saturn of your tenth house will be sitting in the ninth house this year. If you have your own business then some care needs to be taken in this direction otherwise losses may occur. There are some important steps you can take to expand your business. Business is the sum of traveling in the month of March to May. You can get a sudden profit in the middle of September this year, overall this year will be moderately fruitful for you in terms of scope and business.


According to Taurus Horoscope 2022, students of this zodiac will get mixed benefits in the field of education this year. Due to Saturn sitting in the eighth house, the beginning of this year will not be in your favor, due to this, results may be delayed. However, for those students who are preparing for research exams, this year will be very good for them and they will emerge as a winner. During March to June, the sixth house of Taurus will be affected by Rahu, Saturn and Mars and Jupiter will remain weak. Therefore, this time can prove to give very good results for competitive examinations. The month of September to October will prove to be very fruitful for competitive exams. Both Saturn and Mars will directly affect the 6th house of malefic planets. We can say that due to the direct aspect of Saturn and Mars in the middle of this year, Taurus is in the 6th house, this time will be auspicious for you.

Family Life

According to Taurus Horoscope 2022, this year may prove to be a little disappointing for you from the family point of view, as your fourth house lord is sitting in the eighth house. Due to Rahu sitting in your second house this year, you may get some kind of inauspicious news and the happiness that you have come for a long time.

There was a delay in waiting. A member of the household can create obstacles in your life. In the month of March to April, there can be a family arrival or the birth of a child. One can get married in the month of March to July or any other family member can get married. This year, you will expand your land and property or can also buy new ones. Good relations will be established with the father in the month of September and on the other hand enemies will be defeated in the months of September to October. In terms of family, this year will be moderately fruitful for you.

Love Life

According to Taurus Horoscope 2022, love relationships may face disappointment this year. This year, a dispute situation may arise with your partner, it would be better to avoid such situation. At the beginning of the year, Venus, the lord of your first house, will be sitting in the ninth house, indicating that in the first few months of the year you can go on a long vacation with your partner. Apart from this, you will undoubtedly experience love and sentiment towards your lover, but in spite of this some differences may arise between you. This year can be a disappointing time for you for love affairs. However, due to the presence of Wealth Yoga in your first house during March to April, and the direct aspect of Jupiter on Venus, the malefic planets will remain a little quiet, due to which there can be an atmosphere of some peace in your life. During this time, if you are looking for new love, then this time will be most fruitful for you. You may have some affair in the month of August and later in the month of October to November or spend a good time with your partner. This will be due to Rahu's transit from Gemini to Taurus. If seen, this year can disappoint you in the matter of love.

Marital Life and Children

According to the Taurus Horoscope 2022, there can be differences in marital life due to Mars sitting in the seventh house at the beginning of the year. However, due to energetic Mars during this period, you will feel special energy in your spouse. But there will be few opportunities to spend time with each other. You can go on a long journey with your spouse in the month of March to June. One can also go for pilgrimage to any religious place. If you are thinking of getting married this year, then the month of April to June will be good for this task. You may have more than one affair in the month of August or there will be an increase in romance with your spouse. Be aware of your spouse's health at the end of this year. Newly married couple is expected to have a child in the middle of this month or may get news related to conception. From a matrimonial point of view, this year will be moderately fruitful for you.

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