Taurus - Zodiac, Horoscope, Compatibility, Sex and Relationships, Love, Health, Finance

Taurus Horoscope


What is the birth date of Taurus people?

According to sun sign your zodiac is Taurus if you were born between April 20 to May 20

Ruling Planet: Venus
Lucky Gemstones: Opal
Luck Substone: White Coral
Lucky Color: Pure White
Lucky Number: 6

What is Taurus Zodiac Sign?

The external personality of Taurus people is visible. You are not only beautiful in appearance but also looks strong. Since the lord of Taurus is Venus, you have an inclination towards artistic fields. First of all, there is some artistic talent in you, some creative talent is hidden in addition to this, you are sure to appreciate art. Your self-esteem, your freedom and coolness are revealed at first sight. There is a faith in your eyes. Since Taurus people are attached to the ground and are very practical, they do not like to take any kind of risk unnecessarily, because of which you adopt a protective attitude. Anyone easily believes them. Barring exceptions, their honesty cannot be questioned. Once you are determined to do something, no matter how hard it has to be done, you do not look back and see it and do it. It also shows your hardworking and determined personality. With your ability and hard work, you can lead a life of convenience, all the possibilities of being socially prestigious are also present in you. But your stubbornness of doing something or adopting an idea can sometimes lead to negative results instead of positive ones. People start thinking you too insolent with your attitude. You are very patient and do everything slowly but with perfect faith, but in many circumstances your slow pace is also considered your laziness.

As your zodiac lord Venus, so in your career also they are quite artistic and creative. They do everything with great interest. Since their zodiac land is predominant, so they are connected on the ground, their behavior at the workplace is very supportive and their performance can be said to be commendable. They can also have deep faith in religion. Usually you are of very real nature and your thoughts are also very good.

Romantically, their personality is seen if the people of this zodiac are very loving but they want the same kind of dedication for themselves. They are usually very honest towards their spouse and expect stability from the partner. Taurus people are usually not angry, but when their patience is broken, then it becomes difficult to avoid their anger. At the same time, if you are adamant on something, then it is very difficult to change their views. Overall, Taurus residents are very practical, you can also be dear to them by becoming practical.

Taurus Daily Horoscope
You shall feel little tired today. Meditation will help you build some stamina to sustain. Your anger might cause burning sensation in your eyes. Avoid unhygienic habits You will be in mood of celebration. You will plan for small family gathering. New perspective will overwrite your old beliefs. Yo...
Taurus Yearly Horoscope
According to Taurus Horoscope 2022, this year is going to be moderately fruitful for you. This year, this zodiac sign will be completely free from the effects of Saturn. This year Saturn will be sitting in the ninth house of your zodiac on January 24. At the beginning of the year, Rahu will be sitti...
Taurus Finance
Successful businessmen are in Taurus. You not only succeed in earning money, but you also know how to keep your money safe. You develop your business very well and do not let any wrong decision affect you. You can be a good financier and banker. If you are inclined towards art, then you like to go i...
Taurus Health
Coming Soon...
Taurus Love
Taurus as a lover needs to be patient with the lover. Venus is the lord of this zodiac; Venus is considered as a factor of material happiness in astrology. Due to which the natives are very sensual and touch is very important for them. Taurus people always choose people from a similar social environ...
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